
The career of veterinary medicine is facing great challenges in several areas. The study of animals, not only involves knowledge of the health of these, but also know they are a great source of information, help and support.

The technology gives a great contribution to career development, lets us know beyond a simple physical examination, therefore, you should implement advanced methods that allow us to assess how best to our patients. As in the case of wanting to take a radiograph, a brain scan, an ultrasound, etc.. Veterinarians must move into the knowledge of each of the technologies that allow us to move forward and get more accuracy in diagnosis.

In social affairs, profoundly influence the issue of educating people and children on how they should care for the animals, primarily domestic. Although the above does not neglect to instill knowledge in caring for other animals. They should be taught good pet ownership, care must be with them, and so on. All this leads to communicate that having a pet is a responsibility.
In the area of science also have challenges. Should be investigated further each species, each case, each disease. Investment in scientific research is not money lost, allow as doctors, scientists and especially humanity.

Many animals are considered poisonous cure for other diseases, then a big challenge is to continue investigation in the animals which, though dangerous, may have the cure for many diseases.

In the area of human medicine have challenges in providing each of the diseases are zoonotic, ie, diseases transmitted from animals to humans.

In the public health area, many animals serve as therapy for people with physical disabilities or other. We as a challenge to educate and continue to maintain fitness and health, mainly to these animals. For example, animals used in these cases are hippotherapy horses, dogs tenants to blind people, etc..

Veterinary Medicine in a career with many challenges ahead, which will measure progress making way for humanity.

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As I mentioned earlier, I am a student of the career of Veterinary Medicine, University of Chile. This time I want to talk a little about the situation that exists in the topic of infrastructure or facilities that exist in myfaculty.

The current situation is not bad, have actually been making repairs and improvements of the various departments, mainly in the front. It has also appointed an equestrian center, a small animal hospital, a gymnasium, a boarding house, etc..

In regard to internal facilities such as halls, laboratories and others, is a different issue. The rooms deserve a better sound, allowing us to hear clearly all students each of the classes that are taught. It would be good to implement new microscopes in existing laboratories, to study with greater accuracy and detail samples.

With regard to the faculty buses (but not the facilities, but if part of the faculty) deserve a change and renewal, which give us security in the various field trips that we made all generations.

The computer rooms are well implemented, however, the speed of computers is not the best. The library has good, modern facilities required to enter the TUCH, has computers and a good place to study. The casino also has a good infrastructure.

I would recommend making a general trend that is lacking in the faculty and what priority it deserves to be the best way to grow.

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The giant panda.
China has conducted experiments on how to preserve the species of panda . Currently there are 293 in captivity and another 27 in zoos worldwide. They found that animals that were behind bars total lost interest in playing, even administering Viagra to the males. Despite all efforts, they realized that the best way to get the female get pregnant was through Artficial insemination methods. In July 2009 Chinese scientists confirmed the birth of a baby panda (had sperm frozen).
When the earthquake happens of May 2008 in China, 8 panda cubs were in captivity in Wolong were sent to recover Bifengxia. Such was the magnitudde this earthquake, that its facilities were completely destroyed.

The panda is very special and challenging to reproduce. They are very shy and independent, but the efforts made by scientists have proved successful, thanks to knowledge and hours of state observers, both in their natural habitat and in captivity.
Panda Reproduction is viviparous. Mating takes place in spring and the young are born in late winter. The female gives birth to between one and two cubs, which reach sexual maturity between four and ten years. Panda's behavior is described which are solitary animals except during mating season, spend their lives mostly on the ground, but climb trees on occasion.


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Polar Bear

In general I like all animals, but I must say that one of my favorites is the Polar Bear (also called White Bear, Nannuk, Polar Bear), the characteristics that I like about him is he is beautiful, strong, extremely maternal and very playful.
Found naturally in the Arctic Circle. Its habitat is floating ice islands and coasts. Its lifespan is 20 to 25 years. Its conservation status is Vulnerable. Furthermore, in regard to measurements, her height is 1.60 meters on the cross; its length is 1.70 to 2.50 meters and weight from 400 to 500 kilograms.
It is the largest carnivore, white and with adaptations to aquatic life. It has a thick skin, hair and hollow subcutaneous fat layer that protects against the cold wind and water. With this fat can sleep afloat. The polar bear has very developed sense of smell and sight. Reproduction is viviparous. The gestation is from 195 to 265 days and the litter is from 1 to 3 pups, which remain near the mother until 28 months. The pups are born weighing approximately 600 grams. The sexual maturity reaches between 5 and 6 years. Despite being carnivorous, feeding on fish and seals, marine mammal carrion, small mammals such as deer and fish, also complemented with vegetation and some fruit. The polar bear is generally solitary. This species has always been hunted by the inhabitants of the Arctic for their fur and meat. Currently, global warming and, consequently, the melting polar have threatened the future of polar bear.

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Tourism in Santiago, Chile

For a tourist who arrives in Chile and more specifically to the city of Santiago have multiple options for fun.
Where to go and what to do a tourist, is what I will tell you today. For this we will create a list of top 5 places to visit with their own characteristics and attractions that make them unique.

1-Neighborhood Bellavista: This extensive area combines the most diverse trade in clothing and crafts with many international restaurants which offer various specialties. It is located between the north bank of the Mapocho River and Mount San Cristobal. From exotic architecture seems a kind of outdoor museum.

2-The Colorado: It is a privileged corner of the range. It is located within the metropolitan area, just 39 kilometers. In the modern landscape of the Colorado unfolds an interesting hotel and gastronomic infrastructure, among which stand out the apart hotel Posada Farellones Colorado.

3-The Treasure of the Dominicans: Recoleta Dominica Patrimonial Center, interesting museums pieced together from what was once the Recoleta Dominica Convent. The complex is composed mainly of three parts: the Museum of Decorative Arts, the Historical Museum and the Library Endowment Dominico Recoleta Dominica.

4-Park Metropolitan: This Park is located east of the bohemian neighborhood of Bellavista. It consists of the San Cristobal Hill, Pyramid, Chacarillas and James Woods. At the summit of San Cristobal Hill is the giant statue of the Virgin of the Immaculate Conception.

5-Chilean Museum of Pre-Columbian Art: The sample covers a period from the beginning of the ceramic and textile art in America until the arrival of European conquerors. The collection includes pieces made of ceramic, metal, textiles, feather, stone and wood, in the most varied techniques and styles. It is located in Bandera 361 Esq Company.

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My country Chile

Ok, this time I'll tell you about my country.
I was born and live in Chile.
This, they say, that is the last country in the world, located in South America along with Argentina and Peru, which are our neighboring countries.Throughout our territory along the Pacific Ocean in the west and the Andes to the east. I like a lot of my country; we have a great diversity of climate that makes us unique. Taking from the world's driest desert (Atacama Desert) in the north of the country, to lakes and ice in the South.
I am proud to be Chilean much. It's a beautiful country in many ways and although, like other countries, we have gone through major problems, both political and social, has always gone ahead. Chile is a country that stands out internationally for its vast landscapes and, on the other hand, by the Nobel prizes received by two great poets, such as Gabriela Mistral and Pablo Neruda.
However, what gives me great pride is the issue of 11 September 1973, date on which the military coup occurred. Besides, I'm not proud of the fact that Chileans consider us thieves internationally (mainly in Europe), as this bad reputation that we have created a few compatriots, we closed the door on several occasions.

Finally, I only need to highlight the most important day of the year for all Chileans. On September 18th, the day on which the birthday of our country (since 1910). This date is celebrated with “bells and whistles” and is highly anticipated, both for their meals, typical dances and games.

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The TranSantiago

TranSantiago is the public transport system that is used in the metropolitan region of Chile, implemented a few years ago and not a very good insertion. This system consists of the bus service and Metro and is a program promoted by the Government of Chile.

Now being implemented new measures to control the chaos that has caused this in the town of Santiago, however not all aspects of this system are negative

The coverage of public transport has improved decreasing the number of transfers, lowering waiting times and increasing the supply routes.

This transport system is better than the previous one mainly in the form of payment, since this is not done with coins, otherwise than through a card Bip. On the other hand this has caused a decrease in burglaries bus drivers.

I usually use public transportation and consider him a good project because it allowed me to organize my travel time.

For the future exchange a greater diversity of routes in each community area, as currently exist very few.

Ok, I hope this system will continue to grow and we continue to educate citizens, because it allowed largely educating people in a community sense.

Bye bye

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Somewhere Over The Rainbow

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I would love to visit Italy, because this is a country in Europe, which is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful continents in the world... However, what most caught my attention is its capital Rome. Its historical significance is enormous and is located in the Vatican, which is the center of the Catholic Church. The Vatican (official name, State of Vatican City) is a city-state that is located in the city of Rome in the Italian Peninsula
In addition, Italy is a very important tourist center; people are attracted to this place for its large and ancient buildings, as is the Roman Colosseum, Roman Forum and also several museums.
On the other hand, I'd like to much live in Italy, especially in the City of Rome, its culture, tranquility and attractions that presents.
While there, I would like to continue my studies at the University of Turin, in order to expand my knowledge in more specific areas. While all this is a long term project, my desire and perseverance to get it are growing.

Finally, I would like to add that either Italy, Chile or any other country we choose, have something wonderful interesting and brings them to us and makes us want to live out each of their places and be part of it.

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In this first term of 2009

Ok. In this first term of 2009 have passed various things. In college I had many activities, tests, practices, etc. In practice at the University I learned a lot, this time working with goats and sheep and the best part of all was that we saw a goat give birth, was a unique experience. My classmates and I had to visit the Lagunna Cartagena (which is what is shown in the photo) because of asigantura Wildlife, where we saw coipos, swans, ducks, etc. .. everything was very enriching. In the parish I've made my goals, I confirm and I take care of a group with my friends. In college I did well, passed all my classes from third half of my career and I leave very satisfied and quiet out of winter vacation. Also attended the TIF (Interfaculty Tournament) from swimming at the University of Chile held in the school pool. However, I've also been through some sad, one of my dogs was very sick, was diagnosed with diabetes, but after a long treatment is recovering.

With what has passed this year, I realized that everything requires effort and perseverance, but if one really does it all with eager hearts and should give very good results

ok, I hope to have them increasingly better things to tell you. Bye kiss

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I Really like this photo..

I Really like this photo..

This photo was taken for my retirement recently, by th

e parish.

This photo was taken by a friend, Valentina Javalquinto, she is a ver

y special friend.

She bring a professional camera, it was very rare, but the photos you took were great

This photo shows the sunset at the beach, it was very cold but the scenery was

beautiful. Occasionally we could see birds crossing the sky and the sun became increasingly smaller.

I love this photo because it shows we are united, we are silhouettes in a single photo and the sun gives a touch unique. This photo gives me peace of mind, a special harmony between nature and us.

I hope you like my picture, is a moment in my life that I wanted to share with you .

I think we should all take a moment to realize what

our world is beautiful. Nature is life and we must learn to admire.

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My favorite piece is my pendrive Technology.

My favorite piece is my pendrive Technology.

I have always had it. I use to listen to music, study, record and save a lot of class files such as photos and audio. I use it is quite often. I use way when I go to college, in my home, on long journeys and university it salf. I like it because it is easy to use, small and the best is that you do not need external batteries, but rather is charged in the pc. mm.. Actually find it a necessary tool to study, but not essential... Finally, I think it makes things easier for me and I like that!

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