Tourism in Santiago, Chile

For a tourist who arrives in Chile and more specifically to the city of Santiago have multiple options for fun.
Where to go and what to do a tourist, is what I will tell you today. For this we will create a list of top 5 places to visit with their own characteristics and attractions that make them unique.

1-Neighborhood Bellavista: This extensive area combines the most diverse trade in clothing and crafts with many international restaurants which offer various specialties. It is located between the north bank of the Mapocho River and Mount San Cristobal. From exotic architecture seems a kind of outdoor museum.

2-The Colorado: It is a privileged corner of the range. It is located within the metropolitan area, just 39 kilometers. In the modern landscape of the Colorado unfolds an interesting hotel and gastronomic infrastructure, among which stand out the apart hotel Posada Farellones Colorado.

3-The Treasure of the Dominicans: Recoleta Dominica Patrimonial Center, interesting museums pieced together from what was once the Recoleta Dominica Convent. The complex is composed mainly of three parts: the Museum of Decorative Arts, the Historical Museum and the Library Endowment Dominico Recoleta Dominica.

4-Park Metropolitan: This Park is located east of the bohemian neighborhood of Bellavista. It consists of the San Cristobal Hill, Pyramid, Chacarillas and James Woods. At the summit of San Cristobal Hill is the giant statue of the Virgin of the Immaculate Conception.

5-Chilean Museum of Pre-Columbian Art: The sample covers a period from the beginning of the ceramic and textile art in America until the arrival of European conquerors. The collection includes pieces made of ceramic, metal, textiles, feather, stone and wood, in the most varied techniques and styles. It is located in Bandera 361 Esq Company.

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